Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sundays Adventure

So we thought we would head out with the GPS again and see what we could find. We had 4 planned for the day. First stop was to get some little trinklets to leave behind. After directing the kids to the fact we werent buying star wars figures or cowboy dress up sets, we finally decided on some balls and dinosaurs. next stop 1st Cache hunt for the day I'll pass. A 400 odd metre walk in dense rainforest with Waz in thongs. the kids whinged, we questioned why we were crazy enough to even bother being here when there were so many easier ones, when we suddenly started to ge close. After rounding a few trees, it was spotted and the kids intrest suddenly perked up at the thought of going through the stash.

Oh look who we found!Incy Wincy who has come all the way from the UK. We will move him on very soon :) Being the novices that we are, we forgot 1. a pen to log our visit and 2. to mark our car as a waypoint resulting in us getting a little lost on the way back to the car. Uh oh. Unbeknown to us, we also picked up a hitchhiker, but more of that later....

Next hunt was at Mullet Creek. But guess who wrote the coordinates wrong? Whoops.

Ok moving on to our next stop,Old Rosemont where we left the fit 4 fun dice. We didnt take photos because it would of been wayyy too much of a giveaway.

Next was our last stop on the way home, a cache that promised an abundance of things stashed in an 80lt drum at the end of Cordeaux Road. After seeing some shady dude in his car that was obviously up to something suss, and Waz taking him foot and shin out on a bit of barbed wire, we fount the drum which turned out to be full of crappy Sci Fi Novels. The boys did manage to find a pirate gun and a chipmunk toy at the bottom of the barrel.
Dig deep little dude.

So after the find, we start heading for home when we hear shrieks coming from the backseat. Remember the hitchhiker? A nice big fat leech who was firmly suctioned on Ryan (our 5 year olds) ankle.
Home at last, a hot shower, a bit of dinner than a relaxing night searching where we can hunt next....

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